Discontinued Products

End of Life Products

Check here to see if your Tru-Test product is within its service or support life. 

Service and Support

The following products are no longer manufactured but are still within their service and support life.
•    Service includes hardware support, service repairs and replacement spare parts.
•    Support includes phone, email and Live Chat technical support, or refer to our Knowledge Base for online articles and help.

ProductEnd of service dateEnd of support dateAvailable product range
SRS2/XRS2 EID Stick ReadersJul 2028Jul 2030SRS2i/XRS2i EID Stick Readers
XRP2 EID Panel ReaderJul 2027Jul 2029XRP2i EID Panel Reader
EziWeigh5i Weigh Scale IndicatorJan 2025Jan 2027EziWeigh7i Weigh Scale Indicator
S1, S2 Weigh Scale IndicatorsJan 2025Jan 2027S3 Weigh Scale Indicator


Support only

The following products are no longer serviced, but online technical support is available through our website chat feature or by emailing sf-support@datamars.com or visit our Knowledge Base for online articles and help.

ProductEnd of service dateEnd of support dateAvailable product range
HD800, HD850 Load BarsMar 2024Mar 2026MP800 Load Bars
HD5T Load Bars
MP1010 Load BarsMar 2024Mar 2026HD5T Load Bars
HD1010 Load BarsSep 2023Sep 2025HD5T Load Bars
EziWeigh6i Weigh Scale IndicatorDec 2022Dec 2024EziWeigh7i Weigh Scale Indicator 
JR5000 Weigh Scale Indicator (Australia and New Zealand)
WOW2 Weigh Scale IndicatorDec 2024Dec 2026Dairy WOW 4000


No Service or Support

The following products are no longer eligible for service or online technical support. 
Contact your local Territory Manager to talk about an upgrade or visit our Knowledge Base for online articles and help.

ProductEnd of service dateEnd of support dateAvailable product range
F310 EID Panel ReaderMay 2024May 2024XRP2i EID Panel Reader
SRS EID Stick ReaderOct 2022Oct 2023SRS2i EID Stick Reader
XRS EID Stick ReaderOct 2022Oct 2023XRS2i EID Stick Reader
EziWeigh5, EziWeigh6, EziWeigh7 Weigh Scale IndicatorsOct 2020Oct 2022EziWeigh7i Weigh Scale Indicator 
JR5000 Weigh Scale Indicator (Australia and New Zealand)
XR3000, ID3000, JR3000, SR3000, DR3000 Weigh Scale IndicatorsOct 2020Oct 2020XR5000, ID5000, JR5000 Weigh Scale Indicators
XRP EID Panel ReaderMay 2020May 2022XRP2i EID Panel Reader
TR2000, SR2000, JR2000, DR2000, EC2000 Weigh Scale IndicatorsMay 2017May 2019XR5000, ID5000, JR5000 Weigh Scale Indicators
EziWeigh3, EziWeigh4 Weigh Scale IndicatorsMay 2017May 2019EziWeigh7i Weigh Scale Indicator 
JR5000 Weigh Scale Indicator (Australia and New Zealand)
EziWeigh1, EziWeigh2 Weigh Scale IndicatorsMay 2017May 2019S3 Weigh Scale Indicator